Jewel Brothers Eugene Kinckle Jones and George Biddle Kelley are seated with Brother W.E.B. DuBois and General President Raymond W. Cannon at the 17th General Convention in 1924, New York City. In recognition of Founder's Day, December 4, 1998 Happy Founder's Day to my great and noble Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha!!! Here are some suggested Founder's Day activities off the top of my head: Call a Brother! Grip a Brother! Yell A-Phi!!! Yell Oh-Sixxx!!! Uplift your community! Read your history book! Pay your dues! Brush up on those poems you forgot! Cut a step! Stick your chest out! Tell someone you're still "Cold and Cocky!" Inspire a future Alpha Man! Pay your dues! Read Bro. Callis' book! Call the General Office and let them know your expectations! Call your chapter president and let him know your expectations! Pay your dues! Call your regional vice- and assistant vice-presidents and let them know your expectations! Look at the Brother in the mirror and let him know your expectations! Pay your dues! Plan a frat football party! Plan a frat happy hour outing! Remind someone that you're still cold as ICE! Contact a Brother in Congress and encourage him! Call some young Brothers and impart some wisdom on them! Call some old Brothers and let 'em know how out of touch they are! Pay your dues! Wear your Alpha pin! Wear your Alpha hat! Wear your Alpha jacket! Buy those Alpha license tags! Wear your Alpha boxers! Wear your Alpha tie! Go to a Founder's Day celebration tonight or this weekend! Sing the Alpha Hymn in the shower! Sing the Alpha Hymn with some Brothers! Sing the Sweetheart Song to your Sweetheart! Learn the Sweetheart Song!!!! Hug an Alpha Angel! Pay your dues! Visit some Alpha web sites! Buy some Alpha paraphenalia! Buy an Alpha license tag frame! Go back to school! Apologize to that Brother you're at odds with! Decide what office you are going to run for this year! Call Cornell University! Ask your chapter or area MLK fundraising representative what's going on with the fundraiser! Ask to see the blueprints! Pay your dues! Don't take any backwards steps! Find out what peas in tubs are! Pay your $152 or $52 to the MLK fundraiser and get your numbered brick! Register someone to vote, no need to wait 'til the rush! Watch "That Show with Those Black Guys!" Visit a sick Brother! Tell somebody that you'll be a bad ass Alpha 'til the day you die! Pay your dues! Read your latest "Sphinx" magazine! Submit an article to the "Sphinx" magazine! Visit an elementary school! Rap to a young male member of your family! Rap to a young male on the street! Pay your dues! Uplift the downtrodden! Uplift a Brother! Uplift a downtrodden Brother! He ain't heavy! He's your Brother! Remind the other Greeks that you are their Granddaddy! Re-paint that tired looking campus plot! Create a campus plot! Pay your dues! Don't brag about Alpha's illustrious past without bragging about its even more illustrious future! Find out what the chapter in your area is doing and assist them in doing more! Make plans for the Dallas General Convention! Pay your dues! Extend yourself and bring a Brother back to the fold! Make plans for your regional convention! Whatever you do today, HOLD THE NAME OF ALPHA HIGH!!! Bro. Ajani
GOODWILL, is the monarch of this house. |