KAPPA PHI LAMBDA CHAPTER "TWO DECADES OF COMMUNITY SERVICE" Historical Sketch The Alumni Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity that was chartered here in Columbia Maryland on March 1, 1975, was an extension and reaffirmation of those early Alpha concepts that the common bond of Brotherhood extend beyond college days and the commitment to serve is a lifetime obligation. In November 1974, Brothers, who had previously gathered to form a search committee to pull together Alpha Men in Howard County, identified many Brothers in Columbia and in the surrounding areas. This effort culminated with the Chartering Ceremony on March 1, 1975, when thirty-four Alpha Men and their guests attended Kappa Phi Lambda Charter Ceremony. Brother Belford Lawson, Past General President, addressed the audience, installed the Officers, and presented the charter of Kappa Phi Lambda. From that evening in March 1975, through today, the Chapter has grown and developed as a Brotherhood. In the true spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha, the Brotherhood continues to reach out creatively to serve the community. Kappa Phi Lambda Chapter dedicates itself to the spirit and precepts established by our founders. Kappa Phi Lambda, in addition to supporting our National programs, is involved in many local civic and educational activities in Howard County. We .
The Chapter also operates the ALPHA DRUM, a community information service. A call to (410) 740-0909 will get you a listing of events of interest to the African-American community. In an effort to involve the entire community in our scholarship fund raising activities, we host the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast, every January. The event has grown from an attendance of 20 people in 1975 to over 1,000 today. The Program always has a speaker who addresses the ideas espoused by Brother King. During the past twenty-two years, individual Chapter Brothers have routinely served on many Howard County boards and commissions. Our efforts in Kappa Phi Lambda have been and are a part of the continued rich history of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Charter Brothers of Kappa Phi Lambda Chapter
Chapter Presidents